explains key word concepts -->
Z57 Data 502-
sam hengel troops 1054
..iron-54 and 28 neutron menstruation
sam hengel troops 1054
..iron-54 and 28 neutron menstruation
Wisconsin high school hostage-taker Samuel Hengel dies - BBC News
Samuel O. Hengel murder/cover-up - EH Extra
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in Peshtigo, Wis.
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054
as a fe Scout and belonged to Troop 54 --> Iron-54 isotope
What's a normal IRON-54 menstrual cycle of 28 atomic neutrons
and their atomic biology social science .... signaling system .......
and what's not? - BabyCentre UK
If you have a regular 28-day cycle you will start
your period every four weeks ..... thus the
information LINK your LU(NG) nitrogen gas molecule mass (weight) 28 units
...... with atomic number 7 per nitrogen atom.
The female blood software of the 28 day blood information flow / menstruation OUTPUT data cycle
.... Iron-54 and the female 28 iron neutrons of newspaper reporter ERRORS
....... cause the attack upon the EARTH atmosphere / Earth geography surface locations and people
....... the Darwin selection process of proper nouns and people ... thus the keywords /concepts .......
I/O Port at Porterfield (home of Boy Scout Sam Hengel)
and Marinette High School (shooting site) Wisconsin
Wisconsin hostage taker who shot self dies - Reuters
Nov 29, 2010 - Marinette Police Chief Jeff Skorik identified the hostage taker as 15-year-old Samuel Hengel,
of Porterfield, who died in a hospital from the ...
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout,
Marinette High School ......... B ,,,,S output result
of arrogant education
..... philosophy ... family bull-story errors,
definition of an electron volt(ev) in the
problem community/university in Evanston Illinous
- Science Mission Directorate - NASA
Jan 12, 2001 - George Lebo, University of Florida: "An electron volt (eV) is the energy that an electron gains when it travels through a potential of one volt.
What are the Energy Range Definitions for EM ... - HEASARC - NASA
code --> german --> ge + rm
--> EARTH partitioned into geography/geology rooms
END of explanation
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