Monday, October 29, 2018

WORK Data 535 - marble building data collection and gravity ...metamorphic rock ...metabolism (living atom rock)....Eclipse Lyrics: of pussy bio-math and advertisments for semen


explains  key word concepts --> 

Data 535 -

marble building atoms  ....
data collection and gravity 

code --> Thirteen tiers -->  13 tiers/ hierarchy / levels of existence and society 

code --> Thirteen .. letters--->  A to M  --> spells ATOM

code --> Thirteen tier marble (Geology marble atoms
 and bank/office building lobbies of marble /granite) 

Marble - Wikipedia
    Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite or dolomite. Marble may be foliated. In geology the term "marble" refers to metamorphosed limestone, but its use in stonemasonry more broadly encompasses unmetamorphosed limestone.

    The Cal Edison, 
    Computer Earth systems,
     and Carl Jung collectives / data processing:

    The old marble lobby .....
    heavy marble atoms with large mass
    and gravity field pull

    ...... is a beautiful place to collect data from human data containers  that enter the input PORT (entrance)  ...

    Curbed LA
    The old Southern California Edison building sits right next to the US Bank Tower, the second tallest skyscraper in Los Angeles. It's much stouter, but it's ...

    Marble is a metamorphic rock 
    Marble is a metamorphic rock 
    Marble is a
    metamorphic roc --> regions of convergence  .....

    metabolism (living atom rock) that acquires
    its social and business THOUGHT life from its

    interaction with humans  VIA

    * gravity field
    * magnetic field
    * reflected light 
    * sound waves
    * touch 

    Below, gravity data fields 

    Pink Floyd – Eclipse Lyrics | Genius Lyrics › P › Pink Floyd
      Eclipse Lyrics:

      All that you touch /
      And all that you see

      All that you taste /
      All you feel /
      And all that you love /
      And all that you ...

      Album The Dark Side of the Moon.

       Woolworth empire. Part 2

      They were responsible for the stained-glass dome over the marble staircase that led to the Irving Bank. And it was they who put together the marble, ...

      The Dark Side of the Moon.
      The Dark Side of the Moon.
      The Dark Side of the Moon.

      Pink Floyd – Eclipse Lyrics | Genius Lyrics › P › Pink Floyd
        Eclipse Lyrics:

        All that you touch /

            And all that you see /
           All that you taste /

        All you feel /
           And all that you love /
           And all that you ... 

        Eclipse Lyrics:
        Eclipse Lyrics:

        Eclipse Lyrics: 
        Eclipse Lyrics:
        ... lips  Lyrics:

        Eclipse Lyrics ...  bio-math:
        Eclipse Lyrics:

        Sex navigation  tools ---> sextant - Wikipedia
          A sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angular distance ... predates Hadley's implementation. In 1922, it was modified for aeronautical navigation by Portuguese navigator and naval officer Gago Coutinho.

          42 Creative Food Advertisements that Will Win You Over

            Nov 23, 2011 - Graphic artists can easily make food look good, those working in the advertising know very well that food aesthetic is only one aspect of food ...

            Food        Advertisements

            Food gonAD ..... semen  / sperm  marketing

            END of explanation


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